Friday night Confessionals….For the love of Peonies

Juicy Fridays….

Hi!! How is everyone doing?? February already and I’ve been armpit deep in training since the beginning of the year, which has been amazing and super intense, a part of me wondered why this was such a great idea during a pandemic lol but this quote from it has really resonated

‘Ironed out in the FIRE’

YES! So today, rain outside, a need within to be creative, so many ideas brewing and a pot of delicious gold paint calling….


Ahaaaaaa……Oh I’m super excited I had the chance to explore something that’s been tickling me for about a week but I hadn’t had the chance to act on it until, the tickle got too much today and I busted out my art box, brushes, paints, peony images, lay newspaper down and tapped my imagination.

Different brush sizes and textures later I started adding gold shimmer to a test image from my Peony portfolio : luscious fine art paper!! I’ve lots more exploration but I’m excited by this start :-)

Here’s to creative weekends ahead!! Have a great one!! x

Friday afternoon confessionals....lockdown day 9

(We won’t mention it’s also Friday 13th lol)

so Same, same but different…..

This lockdown is different, it doesn’t feel the same, parts of it seem familiar, but it’s just enough to feel slightly odd too - is that even possible with how this year is running? Actually amongst all this I feel hopeful and elated after the weekend election results, I also feel relieved, but, hopeful, mainly hopeful. So as we ride through our second lockdown, it’s been pretty eventful this week.

Monday afternoon I took a friend to A&E, LUCKILY she is ok and we returned home with a Wagas takeout (separate homes/masks worn in the car/ sanitised everything). Tuesday was my birthday - I’ve never solo walked with friends at a distance so much in one day and eaten lunch al fresco in November - it was fabulous! I ALSO threw on (haha as if that was even possible) shoe horned my ass in to my gold hot pants not worn in public since 2013 and if a girl can’t wear a sparkle on her birthday when can she wear it? My future self will thank me for it I am certain :-)

Wednesday I woke up feeling like hell, it wasn’t a hangover, not a drop of fizz has passed my lips for a while! I returned to bed until mid afternoon when I decided to investigate the nearest drive in testing spot - off I went, cotton swab wafted to the back of my throat + up my right nostril, I spent 10 seconds trying not to giggle as it was ridiculously ticklish + when else would you discover there’s a spot right up your nose that tickles? I’m grateful my result was negative. Still feeling exhausted I took a little walk around the block today taking in the sunny air then promptly returned home to soup and lots of water. So Friday here we are. The week has flown yet I’ve been super elated by all the awesome friends I have that sang happy birthday in varying tones through whatsapp/facebook/text - the flowers that arrived yesterday/ the hamper of goodies/ gifts of candles/treats/relaxation. For a lockdown birthday week it’s been pretty wonderful in so many unexpected ways + once my energy levels lift I’ll be back to world domination, for now I’m off to read + nap.

Stay safe everyone, BIG LOVE Jxx

Lockdown birthday 101 - wear sparkle and embrace it with a pout, socially distanced friend + sunshine x

Lockdown birthday 101 - wear sparkle and embrace it with a pout, socially distanced friend + sunshine x