Did you speed up time?
So now then, this week seems to have totally and utterly disintergrated into a blur of…..well, what happened and who stole my week? I’m naturally waking up earlier, going on amazing 2 hour hikes to start my day - tbh if I didn’t I think I’d loose my mind and yet still there isn’t enough time in the day and each day is running away with itself…..
I’ve been busy planning outdoor events (photo workshops in nature - SO EXCITED, yoga gatherings, so much fun) I’ve also been photographing this week, product lifestyle shots which has been awesome, challenging and so much fun! BUT seriously, who stole my week, my last 5 days + please, please, please can you let me have it back lol OK maybe not but seriously…..The return to or re-engagement with the world has been welcome yet slightly scary, not one to be nervous by nature I have found myself a little anxious navigating things and importantly ORDERING THE CHAOS!
I found that line recently and oh my god it hit the nail on the head, you have all these things swirling, life, work, pandemic, and actually sitting down and trying to strategically order things has made a huge difference. It gives you (it certainly gave me) a point of focus + clarity and checking off the list feels good - obvious but important. So next, what’s next?
Well I have a beautiful, peaceful personal project shot on film I’m excited about and want to concentrate on even just for a second AND can we talk about the weather and ow damn cold it is - can it just warm itself up a fraction please. it’s not suppose to get much higher than 14’c for the next week + I’ve still got the flippin heating on!!! Thankfully the nights are lighter for longer :-)
Inadvertently I came across these images and they totally made me stop and smile - London is a super wonderful city and I’m looking forward to photographing family sessions and couples again soon xx
Stay Safe everyone xxx