5 TOP TIPS for helping create beautiful memories of your gorgeous day….


Easy right?? Wrong…when we’re stressed or in different situations our breathe can get laboured and irregular – a mix of excitement and anticipation can make our breathe shallower so 3 super deep fill up your lungs breathes to start enabling a calming effect and clearing our mind REALLY helps

2.Schedule an engagement session or pre wedding photo shoot with your photographer

This is really helpful to get used to being in front of the camera and being directed by your photographer or just understanding how to move and laugh and relax 

(a lot of people stop breathing or hold their breathe when a camera is pointed at them so this is super useful to cross this off the list – see 1. above) it’s really popular now and well worth it, it also is a great opportunity to really fine tune with your photographer the images you’d like captured on your wedding day.

3.you want to look your sparkling best...

If you’re planning a dinner or meal the night before your wedding with guests or family and you’re planning on starting the celebrations then – why wouldn’t you right? Well, be mindful if you want to look your sparkling best on your wedding day the bubbles/beer/cocktails will show from the night before – have cucumber, cold spoons and plenty of water ready to reduce puffy eyes, swollen cheeks and dehydration


This leads wonderfully on to my next point…..ENJOY your wedding day, I LOVE bubbles as much as the next person and part of the prosecco shortage was I’m afraid to say possibly down to me (not a lush just love a bubble) HOWEVER..I am not being a party pooper but alcohol is a relaxer….it will relax your facial muscles (awesome b’cos of all the smiling you’ll be doing) BUT keep it fresh, the more you drink, the more your face will start to fall off your chin and that I’m afraid is not a good look for photos (unless it’s midnight + the last shot of the evening celebrations) you've worked super hard at perfecting your day so just go easy until after your couple shots are captured :-)

5.Be sassy!

Finally, Flirt with the camera, be sassy, playful, silly and enjoy every second!

Andy & Kirsty, Godalming, Surrey

Saturday August 2nd was a wonderful array of fun and colour and a beautiful mix of tradition with a modern party vibe.

Andy & Kirsty were married in St Peter & St Paul church in Godalming and hosted their reception at the Pavilion with an Ibiza flavour reflecting their love of music. 

All the bridesmaids looked stunning in knee length blue dresses and the groomsmen looked fab in top hat and tails,