YES! Mother & Daughter time!

Becomes even more important when you live at other ends of the country!


This image pretty much SUMS UP our photo session - SO MUCH FUN & SO MUCH Laughter!!!

These ladies were so great to photograph and we got to wander around Kensington Gardens (which is one of my favourite places in London). So fantastic to create memories and so much laughter and fun

Thank you so much xx "Just had my first look at our photographs. Love them. So very pleased with them. You are a great photographer xxxxxxx" Kathy Tallentire

Life in Print!

We're in PRINT, TWICE :-) 

'Your London Wedding' magazine has featured two of my wonderful couples in their latest issue (March/April 2017) and an article which says a photographer is not just for your wedding but for your life journey.

So chuffed and proud to be featured as one of London's top photographers! #beaming

XMAS MARKET - December 2nd 2015!!

DECEMBER 2nd!! 5pm-9pm AT Victoria Market, 42 Francis St, London SW1P 1QW (Map Attached xx) I'll be exhibiting at this awesome XMAS MARKET + possibly freezing my touche off lol xx

This is super close to Victoria Station - so pop in on your way home!! The market is full of amazing artist makers with TONS of gorgeous presents for xmas! Some of us are QEST Scholars who specialise in traditional crafts and were fortunate in being awarded scholarships to pursue training in our fields (the quality is super high!!)

I'll be displaying my gorgeous photo packages, selling vouchers for sessions next year, running a competition and promoting ‪#‎SmallBusinessSaturday‬‪#‎thiscan‬'tbemissed!! please share with friends and family and DEFINITELY come say "HI" grin emoticon

OH! + it's outside so please bring warm hugs and hot water bottles lol grin emoticon

‪#‎qestscholar‬ ‪#‎artistmaker‬ ‪#‎photography‬ ‪#‎smallbizsaturday‬‪#‎familyphotography‬ ‪#‎weddings‬