Tuesday morning reflections

The joy in the morning walk, time spent in nature and new magical discoveries

Gosh what a few sunny autumn days it’s been, back at luscious long morning walks, research visits to Wisley + 3 exhibitions at The Victoria & Albert Museum!!

This summer…….

September has rolled around and autumn is nipping slightly at the days beginnings and ends, whilst the glow of August lingers a little.

I gleefully always seem to be on catch up, on the back foot when it comes to sharing and posting photo work and jobs and berating myself for not posting in a timely manner or at all.

Its not that i dont want to, often i am caught between waiting for clients to post first then i share OR another reality which happened last night. I got home from a fabulous full days shoot, downloaded my images, checked them over, imported them to Lightroom and fell into bed. Knowing I had to drive 3 hours to a glorious destination today for a photo session tomorrow.

I'd love to pretend I have all these people, all these teams doing all the things that ensure smooth sailing of a small business but it's not, it's all me and if I'm knackered and dribbling then it's best I step away from a screen, put myself to bed and gear up for the next day. I'm certain you understand and it really helps saying it out loud.

So a snippet, shared from the gram of a recent epic 2.5 hour session in London with wonderful Lisa Berkovitz. Finding the light, the joy and the moments, laughter, positivity and connection….more on the gram, or here or both. Here's to a happy September x

Soo excited to share this gorgeous session

Courtney + Heather flew to London from NYC and got engaged during their visit!!

We had the best time capturing their engagement pictures around the pretty streets of Notting Hill.

Still....here!!! :-)

I finally discovered that my Mac operating system isn’t supporting square space anymore and that’s the reason I haven’t been able to see my images and so post anything…..I have circumnavigated the problem and things will change!! More images incoming :-)

When film processing…..

goes wrong, get’s caught BUT produces some interesting effects.

As an interim measure I’m sharing this fail of film photography which I actually feel is quite beautiful despite being chewed up through the processing machine!!

So as I leave you with this………know they’ll be more posts and updates coming sooN! HURRAH

Happy Summer Solstice everyone xx

October.......whizzed through....

Blinked…missed it lol October that is, nothing else!!

Thrilled to share here a few snippets from client work this month!!

WOW Tuesday ev/// Thursday afternoon confessionals...

Ahh that cheeky, sneaky Bank Holiday + cheeky little 4 day week……


all the summer vibes last Thursday capturing this very beautiful and special event and a little haze of Bank Holiday pouff as the days since disappear into a blur…

I sit here writing FULL of gratitude for the delights and sunshine the Bank Holiday weekend brought, gorgeous moments creating images of amazing events, sunshine, sunshine, sunshine and to be back photographing events over the weekend continues to be the best feeling and such a blessing :-) Here’s to many more as Summer continues xx

Have a fab rest of your week!

YES!! Friday afternoon confessions.......has anyone seen summer?

If so, could you just politely direct it over here please :-) Thanks so much!!

Well, hello Friday!! How’s everyone doing?

This past week has been a super fab, crazy, zesty mix of editing, photography and client meetings with a slithering of yoga in person as a student and gym workouts to get my fitness + stamina back up as weddings approach!! The challenge of sitting to edit photo sessions is real now and I’m having to take a break and step away from my screen every 45minutes - to think pre pandemic I used to sit locked in for hours at a time now seems impossible!!

BUT I am super excited not only to be back right in the mix of photographing an amazing array of FOOD, PORTRAITS, LIFESTYLE and LITTLE PEOPLE + I am stoked to share a few images from this weeks sessions and commercial shoots!


Images above taken at The Greyfriar Pub in Chawton ahead of their opening May 17th and capturing their new menu and staff pictures!!

Whooooo it’s an amazing feeling to be photographing, being creative and mixing safely with clients and friends again :-)

Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend! x

Staying safe and socially distanced during photo sessions


Feeling safe during our photo session is top of my priorities to ensure you enjoy our session together so I wanted to share a few safety measures I have in place.

Outdoor sessions in fresh air are permitted with no more than 6 people - I keep 2 meters apart and provide sanitiser and wear a mask whilst working. I am respectful of breathing space, personal space + take a lateral flow test ahead of our session.

Indoor sessions - From May 17th we are able to hold Family Sessions inside (which is great b’cos this weather!!! :-) ) + I will continue to wear a mask as I work, bring hand sanitiser and wipes with me. I am also allowed to continue with commercial work and product photography. YAY :-)

Cream and Black Natural Makeup Beauty Logo (3).png

Friday Night Confessionals.....getting green fingers......

And selling posters of my peony love series 💕❤️💕


Amongst my many endeavours over here I am attempting to grow chillis, courgettes and tomatoes this year along with some squash I hope to plant shortly. In the non edible section of the garden things are starting to take shape, the peonies old and new are emerging and the many I planted last year are making progress (keeping fingers xd it continues even despite the current nightly frosts!)

My pansie display looks like an homage to the suffragette movement, all greens, whites and purples and I’m totally ok with that!!


It’s also been an exciting week as three posters went out the door to their new home in Whitstable!!


They are part of the ‘Peony Love’ series captured and created last year during lockdown and I’m beyond thrilled their new owner is in love and delighted with their arrival. These images shown above were full frame printed on 16x20 inch paper! So a big gorgeous luscious impact on a wall and this trio sit so well together I’m excited to see them in situ when they’re room redecoration is finished :-)

so happy weekend everyone! Have a great one and enjoy the sunshine xx

Friday Night Confessionals......What on earth happened this week?

Did you speed up time?

So now then, this week seems to have totally and utterly disintergrated into a blur of…..well, what happened and who stole my week? I’m naturally waking up earlier, going on amazing 2 hour hikes to start my day - tbh if I didn’t I think I’d loose my mind and yet still there isn’t enough time in the day and each day is running away with itself…..

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I’ve been busy planning outdoor events (photo workshops in nature - SO EXCITED, yoga gatherings, so much fun) I’ve also been photographing this week, product lifestyle shots which has been awesome, challenging and so much fun! BUT seriously, who stole my week, my last 5 days + please, please, please can you let me have it back lol OK maybe not but seriously…..The return to or re-engagement with the world has been welcome yet slightly scary, not one to be nervous by nature I have found myself a little anxious navigating things and importantly ORDERING THE CHAOS!

I found that line recently and oh my god it hit the nail on the head, you have all these things swirling, life, work, pandemic, and actually sitting down and trying to strategically order things has made a huge difference. It gives you (it certainly gave me) a point of focus + clarity and checking off the list feels good - obvious but important. So next, what’s next?

Well I have a beautiful, peaceful personal project shot on film I’m excited about and want to concentrate on even just for a second AND can we talk about the weather and ow damn cold it is - can it just warm itself up a fraction please. it’s not suppose to get much higher than 14’c for the next week + I’ve still got the flippin heating on!!! Thankfully the nights are lighter for longer :-)

Inadvertently I came across these images and they totally made me stop and smile - London is a super wonderful city and I’m looking forward to photographing family sessions and couples again soon xx

Stay Safe everyone xxx

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